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Herbs and spices are absoloutely necessary when cooking... to maximize flavors to any savoury dish (sometimes even sweet)... Below is a list of herbs, aromatics and spices that are easily accessible, cheap and a MUST have...
Sweet Bell Peppers
Pimentos (prominent in the Caribbean)
Herbs and Spices
Dairy Products
These include cheeses, (hard and soft) milk, yogurt, heavy cream, buttermilk, butter, sour cream and cream cheese. Be sure to buy refrigerated. do not allow dairy products to remain at room temperature for more than 2 hours.
Eggs can contain harmful bacteria that can multiply rapidly at room temperature. Always ensure eggs are clean, free of cracks and refrigerated before buying.
Hands MUST be clean at all times. After handling raw meats, poultry, fish and eggs, hands MUST be washed THOROUGHLY with soap and water.
Fruits and Vegetables
All fruits and veggies must be frseh and crisp. Green leafy vegetables should be crisp and dark in color. Always remember to wash, drain and dry fresh fruit and vegetables before using. If necessary; peel, core or trim away any imperfections.
Meats and Poultry
All meats and poultry should be fresh, odor-free, clean and adequately stored. When using frozen meats, be sure to thaw properly before cooking; this ensures even cooking. Fresh meats MUST be stored at the correct temperature when not in use, to avoid spoilage or food poisoning.
Inspect thorouly before buying... Fish should smell mild and fresh never fishy or amonia-like. the eyes should be clear and bulging a little; never cloudy or white.When pressed, the flesh should spring back. Always buy fresh fish... It makes all the difference!!!
Fresh shrimp has a mild scent and shiny, translucent flesh that is firm to the touch.
Utensils should be kept on a top rack or drawer safely away from children. Always clean/wash and dry knives after use. A cook is never a cook without his utensils, so take extra special care of them!!!
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